Healing From The Cells – Great news for people living with chronic illness

The simple fact that our human body with its tissues and organs is entirely made up of cells, should make us look at our health from a totally different perspective; i.e. from the point of view of our human cells.

The cells are the building blocks of our body. Therefore it goes without saying that our vitality is a reflection of the health of our cells. When our cells are defective we suffer ill health, but when they are strong, happy and healthy, we feel great.

What we all know is that (more…)


It is told that Professor Herbert T. Nagasawa, the celebrated professor of Medicinal Chemistry, dedicated 25 years of his career as a medical research professor to come out with the RiboCeine technology, which is by far one of the greatest medical breakthroughs of our time, that is transforming lives all over the world.

How do people like Herbert Nagasawa and Thomas Edison find the strength and patience to continue to work and wait for such great (more…)


Ever wondered why some people eat all they want and never gain any weight, while some others don’t eat as much but are always gaining weight?

Or do you know why most people gain weight when they hit forty years and beyond?…

The answer lies in the individual’s #Metabolism (the rate at which the body is able to break down the food we eat).

So your ability to lose weight effectively has (more…)

Cellgevity Is Truly Touching Lives

Testimonies like this one are are at the core of “My Why” I partnered with Max International.

Meet Mr. Stone. He is the Hospitality Officer at Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority’s (GPHA) Senior Officers Club House. I met him about a month ago. He has been managing a severe diabetic condition for 25yrs (more…)

What Does It Take To Be A BOLT?

USAIN BOLT was known as the fastest man on the planet… But NOW, after winning his third Olympic gold medal in the men’s 100m race in 9.80secs in RIO yesterday, he has etched his name as a LEGEND and will go down in history as one of the greatest athletes the world will ever know.

As the world celebrates the outstanding achievements of this young man who will celebrate his 30th (more…)

New Day, New Opportunities

If you had the opportunity to re-live yesterday; an opportunity to correct all the mistakes you made, would you take it? Well, I have good news for you, you have that opportunity… and it’s called today! Go and make the best of it. It’s the dawn of a new day. Good morning y’all!


Why Scientists believe that increased GLUTATHIONE levels in your body could be the solution to chronic diseases – both prevention and cure

“If there is one element I’d highly recommend to every living being on this planet to do to optimize their health, it would be to raise their glutathione levels every day”; contends Dr. Deborah Baker in her book, Glutathione… there is no life without it. Dr. Baker is an accomplished Holistic Homeopathic Practitioner and the author of the famous book series, Back To Nature’s Healing.

What is Glutathione?

On his popular television show, Dr. Oz referred to glutathione as, “the most powerful antioxidant you have never heard of.”

Glutathione is the single (more…)

Who Remembers This Man?

How many of us remember the thrilling testimony of the man with the chronic and severely painful nerve condition (Sciatica) that was miraculously restored within a few days of taking Cellgevity? That’s right!

Max BOM (more…)

Cellgevity – Health From The Cell Level Up

This is the food supplement that is doing amazing things for people with chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, sciatica, insomnia, arthritis, cardiovascular conditions, serious skin disorders, etc…

Indeed we have not seen the limits of (more…)

Resolve to Max-imize Your Life… Today!

Tomorrow’s dreams are built on today’s sacrifices. Give your dreams a chance to see the light of day.

At the beginning of this year, most of us prayed and decided we would improve our lives. Here we are, 5 months into the year and in fact, we seem to be worse of than when the year began. We have not been able to do much to change our circumstances.

Next year is not far away! And before we know it, the next (more…)